Nothani Engineering

About Us

NOTHANI ENGINEERING is a 100% black and 50% female owned company with the primary focus to providing professional engineering solutions.

Our team brings together their unique technical qualifications and expertise to provide value-adding solutions to a large selection of clients from a diverse range of industries. We use a hands-on approach supported by technology, pragmatism and creativity to deliver successful solutions that meet the distinctive needs of the unique corporate cultures of our clients. NOTHANI has a strong alliance with other companies to making sure that service delivery is not compromised. We strive for zero harm, good corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility, training and skills development in all aspects of our business.


To be a strategic partner of choice that provides engineering management solutions that help clients maintain their promises to their stakeholders.

Our Core Strategies

  • Incorporating a culture of zero harm and sustainability in everything we do.
  • Providing balanced project management and engineering services
  • Hands-on approach during project execution
  • Focusing on establishing win-win customer relationships.
  • Extensive use of best software applications, and keeping up to date with technological developments and market trends.
  • Involvement with South African statutory bodies regarding economic and social development issues


  • BBBEE- Level 1 Procurement Recognition
  • CIDB
  • CSD
  • Worksman’s Compensation (COID)
  • UIF Certificate of Compliance-
  • Electrical Installation Regulation Registration- (Dept of Labour)
  • ECA
  • ISO 9001-2015
  • ISO 14001-2015
  • ISO 45001-2018

Our Services

Electrical Works

  • Low, Medium and High voltage Reticulation
  • OHL maintenance and new network Street light maintenance and installation of new network
  • MV capex projects New Service connections


  • Supply and installation of HDD and OPGW Fibre Optic Cables
  • Supply, Installation and Testing of Pilot Cables

Mechanical Works

  • Structural steel and plate work
  • Pipe work
  • Pumps, valves, new and maintenance
  • Air-conditioning and refrigeration


A credo devised by James Yen in 1920 sums up our philosophy:

“go to the people

live among the people

learn from the people

plan with the people

work with the people

start with what the people know

build on what the people have

teach by showing, learn by doing

not a showcase but a pattern not a

piecemeal but an integrated approach

not to conform but to transform

not relief but release”

PO Box 5070, Meyersdal 1447